Until you experience pain or have a dental checkup, you may not realize that you have a condition called “bruxism,” a habit of grinding or clenching the teeth at night. Bruxism often occurs in the early part of the night and can disturb sleep partners. Bruxism may be mild and occasional or aggressive and frequent. Although the causes of bruxism are not really known, several factors may be involved such as:
- stressful situations,
- problems in sleeping,
- abnormal bite,
- crooked or missing teeth
A nightguard is a custom-made, clear, acrylic appliance that is usually worn on the upper teeth to be worn while sleeping to protect the teeth and restorations. A nightguard can prevent wear and damage by absorbing the forces from clenching and grinding of the teeth.
Hard Acrylic Custom Nightguard
Nightguard Held in Place by Small Metal Clasps
Nightguard is Comfortable